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[In terms of Regulation 25 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements)Regulation, 2015]

The Board of Directors of the Company are inducted through the company’s website and special documentation prepared for them to inform them to get abreast with the company policies, strategy and stage of company projects.


The provision of an appropriate induction for new Directors and ongoing training for existing Directors is contributing to the maintenance of high standards of corporate governance compliance. The Key Managerial Personnel are jointly responsible for ensuring that such induction and training programmes are provided to Directors.

Thus, the board is provided every opportunity to assure themselves of the company’s activities and projects.

The new directors are provided with the following documents for their induction:

1. Memorandum and Articles of Association

2. Annual Reports of the last five years of the company

3. Presentations made to investors

4. Budget for the forthcoming year

5. Management Information reports for the quarter ended

6. Code of Conduct for Directors (esp. Independent Directors)

7. List of Key Managerial Personnel of the Organization

8. Access to Secretarial Auditor and Internal Auditor reports

9. Registers maintained by the Company

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